Struggling sports reporter Erik Kernan (Josh Hartnett) encounters a homeless man who calls himself "Champ" (Samuel L. Jackson) only to determine that he is the one-time boxing champion Battling Bob Satterfield. What begins as a story about resurrecting a once-great man becomes Erik's title shot. In his journey to uncover the truth, Erik has to reexamine his own life and his relationship with his young son.
"An engrossing, surprising and moving drama that will restore your faith in the power of movies to tell great human stories. Samuel L. Jackson has never been better. His brilliant portrait of a forgotten boxer well past his glory days should be remembered at Oscar time."
- Pete Hammond, Maxim
"Resurrecting the Champ is stunning, a powerful drama featuring a truly great Oscar worthy performance by Samuel L. Jackson. This is memorable drama and one of the year's best."
- Paul Fischer,
"Samuel L. Jackson turns in an Oscar-caliber, knockout performance in a movie not to be missed."
- George Pennacchio, KABC-TV
"I expected it to be something about boxers and I couldn't have been more wrong. This intricately constructed story of fathers and sons has a genuine resonance and reason rare in movies. Hartnett will surprise you."
- Stephen Schaefer, Boston Herald
"Josh Hartnett gives the strongest performance of his career!"
- Edward Douglas,